PNG Commercial
PNG fits in as natural choice for an alternative fuel, being safe, convenient, environment friendly and comparatively economical.
Natural Gas has wide spread application across Commercial segments for use in Heating Equipments like Gas Stoves, Ovens, Burners, Hot Water Boilers, Furnaces and for space cooling machines like VAM's.
Sabarmati Gas Limited has bifurcated PNG Commercial segment in two types:-
Commercial Customers & Non Commercial Customers
Commercial Customers
There customers use Natural gas as fuel at establishments like Shopping Malls, Hotels, Restaurants, Bakery, Sweets and Snack Mart, Small Dairies, Hospitals Educational institutions, Small Industries, Canteen/Pantry etc.
Non-Commercial Customers
These are the customers using Natural Gas in Non-Profitable / Charity Funded organizations such as NGOs,Temples, Dharmashala etc.