What is Piped Natural Gas (PNG)?
PNG is mainly comprised of Methane (CH4) with low percentage of other higher hydrocarbons. The ratio of Carbon to Hydrogen is low in Methane therefore it burns completely thus proving it as environment friendly. Pipeline network is needed for its transportation after the procurement of it from the oil / gas wells.
What is the cost of getting a PNG connection?
At Present, SGL charges Rs. 6854/- for a domestic PNG connection, the cost break up is as under,
- Security Deposit (Interest Free Refundable)- Rs. 6000/-
- Gas Security Deposit (Interest Free Refundable) - Rs 500/-
- Reimbursement of Stamp Duty (Non Refundable) – Rs 300/- + GST
What do you mean by Security Deposit for PNG connection?
It’s the interest free, refundable amount collected from the customer for the safe keeping of the equipments installed at the premises of the customer, collected mainly at the time of providing PNG connection.
What is Gas Security Deposit?
It is the interest free advance collected from the customers for the Gas consumption.
What is the mode of payment for the connection?
For the connection a DD/ Cheque is to be made in favor of "Sabarmati Gas Limited”. The cash payment for the connection is not accepted.
What is the process for installation of Gas Geyser for Existing Customers/ New Customers ?
Existing PNG customers need to apply for Gas Geyser point at SGL Customer Care Centre, whereas, the new customers have to to specify their Gas Geyser requirement at the time of registration or at the time of initiation of work at their premise.
What is the procedure for disconnection?
For disconnection you have to submit an application to the Customer Care Centre located at the respective locations. Application must contain the reason describing the need of permanent disconnection /temporary disconnection as the charges difference is there. After the payment is received for disconnection our representative will visit your premises and disconnect the line. Please ensure that all the previous dues are cleared at the time of disconnection.
Is the supply of PNG Consistent?
PNG supply is continuous with constant pressure. The pipeline network mainly works on the positive displacement and is looped in case of redundancy; consisting of safety valves and regulators that mainly control and monitor the gas supply.
Do I have to surrender LPG cylinders after getting the PNG connection?
You may surrender the LPG connection as per the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG) notification dated 23.09.09.
What is procedure for billing process?
Gas consumption bills are generated bimonthly as per the price for Gas at that particular time.
What is Spot Billing?
The Spot Billing system is a system in which the meter reader visits the consumer's premises, records the meter reading and issues the bill on the spot using a hand-held printer.
Where do I go for Queries?
SGL has opened the CCC at various locations for the help to customers. You can visit nearest CCC at your respective location and have your queries answered.
How does a Natural Gas Geyser work?
Gas based geysers works by having the energy from the combustion of natural gas transferred directly from the flame into the water. These systems are incredibly efficient at heating water.
What are the Precautions that are needed for gas usage?
Some of the Precautions are needed for the DAILY usage of GAS .
- Ensure that there is no gas leakage (smell),before igniting the cooking appliances,
- Rubber hose must be in good condition and it must be properly fixed to cooking appliance and appliance valve
- Perform the operation in sequence as mentioned here: Open Gas tap first, then the knob of the cooking appliance and ignite the burner immediately. Hot utensils or hot items must not touch the rubber hose of gas stove
- Once cooking is over close the gas tap.
Safeguard for Domestic PNG installations
- Hanging of any items on the gas pipeline should be avoided.
- Make sure that any work in the vicinity doesn't get hit or damaged gas pipelines
- Do not conceal the GI pipeline, Meter, Regulator or Appliance Valve in the wall / furniture
- Use of rubber hose up to a length of one meter is advisable as it ensure your safety
- Installation of electric / telephone wires / cables very close to gas line is not allowed.
- Excavation of the soil above the pipeline laid underground in your premises is not allowed without the permission of gas company.